Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Well, in case you hadn't guessed it by now, It's True is self-releasing our record. Nothing else really made much sense. This means a lot more work for us in terms of doing the promoting, selling, shipping, etc. of our record all on our own, but we've been rolling the dice from the very start...why stop now? You can buy our record directly from us via the secure PayPal link at the bottom of this post. Your record will ship (FOR FREE) within 24 hours or less. Just select your shipping preference and click "Add to Cart". A PayPal account is not necessary to purchase through this link. You will also see a credit card only option on the left-hand side of the page after adding the CD to your shopping cart.
The record is also up on all of the major digital retail sites (iTunes, cdbaby.com, amazon.com, etc.) Please tell your friends! This is all going to be ENTIRELY word of mouth. We didn't hire a publicist...so that awful job now falls squarely on your shoulders. =) Thank you for the never-ending support!

-It's True!

CD release show (Friday, April 30th) tickets online here: https://www.etix.com/ticket/servlet/onlineSale?action=selectPerformance&performance_id=1213579

Buy record here:

Shipping options


  1. I keep clicking "Add To Cart" and it keeps taking me to my PayPal account, wherein my cart appears to be empty. What gives yo?

  2. FIXED! Thanks for pointing that out, Chuck! We mess up this html thing EVERY TIME!

  3. FIXED! Thanks for pointing that out, Chuck! We mess up this html thing EVERY TIME!
